
Course Description

Learning disabilities are sometimes called “invisible disabilities” because kids with learning disabilities don’t usually look, talk, or behave very differently than other kids. Upon very close examination, you will see that they might not have the same vocabulary as their peers, that they have difficulty making and keeping friends, or that they act inappropriately at times. No two people with a learning disability are the same.

Learning disabilities, because of their invisibility, are difficult to define and great debates rage over which definition should take precedence. This can also lead to reluctance to accept learning disabilities as legitimate. You may encounter attitudes that reflect a lack of understanding of learning disabilities, and as a result, a lack of support for your work with children with learning disabilities. This workshop is designed to build participants’ understanding of learning disabilities and ways in which they can support students with these invisible disabilities.

This workshop covers the following areas:

  • The definition of a Learning Disability and different types of learning disabilities;
  • Information on how a student with learning disabilities presents in the classroom;
  • Information on how learning disabilities affect a student’s performance in the classroom; and
  • Strategies and techniques to support students with learning disabilities in the classroom.
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