CSGD-N147 - Story and Narrative Development Studio for Games
Course Description
This course examines how storytelling plays a vital role in driving video gameplay. Looking at historical and contemporary games, students will evaluate and interpret different story styles with the goal of identifying themes and procedures for their own game ideas. The course explores traditional narrative story processes, nonlinear narratives, alternative and experimental gaming narrative structures, as well world-building for games. Students will also prototype their narratives in engine to explore interactivity and its impacts on story. Issues of representation, diversity, and inclusion in contemporary gaming culture will be discussed. Students will define characters, settings, and structures to create a compelling game design document. Studio work will be supported by lectures and critiques.
For online courses, students are responsible for purchasing their own software.
- Develop a compelling and original game narrative,
- Analyze the components of traditional and experimental game narratives,
- Work with game story structures, exploring rising action, and how this relates to gameplay,
- Consolidate concepts into formalized story structures,
- Learn the importance of representation, diversity, and inclusion in contemporary game design,
- Work with tools to prototype interactive and branching narratives.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Game Design Skills Certificate : Elective Courses