CSGD-N159 - Game Design Studio 1: Introduction to Unity
Course Description
This course introduces students to the art of game design and development using the popular game engine, Unity. Topics include working in 2D and 3D environments, using game objects both sourced externally, and custom made, environmental design with lighting and materials, physics systems, working with and spatializing sound, and setting up cameras and character controllers. Demonstrations, presentations, discussions, and critical play exercises about the fundamentals of the game experience such as rules, play, and culture, support the design process. Students will learn to frame and categorize the elements of their designs through the development of a Game Design Document (GDD), an industry standard tool for production and communication.
For online courses, students are responsible for purchasing their own software. In-person courses are held in OCAD U's computer labs using the latest software.
- Design and prototype game ideas,
- Learn systems and elements involved in game production and development using Unity,
- Learn tools to analyze games in order to deconstruct their elements and apply them within their own designs,
- Navigate and design in 3D environments,
- Learn development and design vocabulary and language.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Game Design Micro-credential : Qualifying Courses
- Game Design Skills Certificate : Required Courses