
Course Description

In this hands-on workshop, students will learn to operate a sewing machine, choose fabrics and patterns, and explore various textile construction methods. Techniques such as pattern layouts, pinning, cutting, and marking will be covered. No sewing skills or previous textile experience is required.


  • Explore a range of sewing machines and tools, including domestic sewing machines,
  • Prepare and handle fabric correctly when creating a garment/object, including pre-treating fabric, laying out a pattern, cutting fabric smoothly, pinning fabric to prepare for stitching,
  • Differentiate between various methods of constructing seams, hems and finishing detail; learning how to select the appropriate methods for any given fabric characteristic,
  • Navigate fabric qualities and selection of material for any given project, including how best to assemble and sew an item based on the garment/object purposes,
  • Create an object from scratch using clean and appropriate sewing methods and finishing details.


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Sewing Skills Studio
10:00AM to 1:00PM
Mar 01, 2025 to Mar 29, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
In-Person [Weekend]  
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $680.00
Additional Fee(s)
Adobe CC $216.00 Optional
Section Notes

Course Supply List

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Please note that courses may fill up early or be cancelled due to low enrollment. Students are encouraged to register early, at least ten (10) days prior to the start date of the course.