
Course Description

Design thinking is a problem-solving process that focuses on empathy, listening, collaboration, observation, critical analysis, and experimentation to drive innovation. Design thinking can be applied to a wide range of fields from product design to urban planning. This online studio/seminar introduces students to design thinking. Students will work collaboratively to explore real world problems through stages of the design process such as inspiration, ideation, and implementation. Topics include visualization, mapping, storytelling, prototyping, and testing. Each weekly module explores a phase of the process to help students understand the tools, methods and mindsets involved in design thinking.

Alongside the learning modules, students will complete a rapid 6-week Design Thinking project. This project can be focused on a topic of the student's choice (within the required ethics guidelines) and should take 2-4 hours per week to complete.


  • Explore various forms of the collaborative design process,
  • Visualize individual ideas through mapping, storytelling, prototyping and testing,
  • Obtain the skills needed to foster and drive innovation,
  • Apply design thinking as a tool to tackle and address real world problems.

Basic knowledge of Miro or a digital whiteboard is recommended. Students are required to have their own writing materials and sticky notes to complete assignments.

Learn More About Design Thinking

We asked our instructor, Nadine Hare some questions.

What is design thinking?

Design Thinking leverages a hands-on, user-centric approach to problem-solving as a means to drive innovation. Design thinking requires practitioners/teams to ground their design process in the needs, hopes and desires of people themselves (rather than starting with their solution or a business need in mind). Design thinking is therefore deeply empathetic, human-centred, iterative, and collaborative. 

How is design thinking applied? And who uses design thinking?

Design thinking can be applied to many different fields such as product design, service design, advertising, and policy-making. Design Thinking was popularized by IDEO, but is now used widely. I have worked with a range of practitioners/organizations who apply it, such as city employees, policy makers, researchers, founders, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, to name a few!

What do you cover in the Introduction to Design Thinking course?

During the Continuing Studies design thinking course students learn the core methods and mindsets of Design Thinking. Each module deep-dives into a phase of the design thinking process. Alongside course seminars, students are asked to apply their learnings to their own real-world design challenge. 


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Introduction to Design Thinking
Jun 02, 2025 to Jul 13, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $575.00
Additional Fee(s)
Adobe CC $216.00 Optional
Required Software/Supplies
Regular access to a computer with a high speed broadband internet connection is required. For online classes, students are responsible for purchasing their own software for class. Trial versions of the software are sometimes available on the company website, but at this time there are no discounts available for Continuing Studies students.
Section Notes

Online courses are delivered in an asynchronous format through a series of tutorials and related assignments which students may complete at their own pace on our Learning Management System, Canvas. The instructor is available throughout the course time period for questions and discussions. Learn more about what to expect in a Continuing Studies online course at OCAD U.

Important: Online courses have firm start and end dates. Each assignment has its own deadline. Extensions are not granted.

As a Continuing Studies student, you will receive an OCAD U user account, which will grant you access to Canvas, and our on-campus WiFi network. Your Canvas account will be enabled one week prior to the start date of your course. Please log in at https://canvascloud.ocadu.ca. If you do not know your OCAD U User ID, please check your registration confirmation email. You can reset your password here: https://login.ocadu.ca/forgot. If you need further help, please contact us at continuingstudies@ocadu.ca

After enrolling in a course, please allow up to 5 hours for your student data to migrate to Canvas.

Please note that courses may fill up early or be cancelled due to low enrollment. Students are encouraged to register early, at least ten (10) days prior to the start date of the course.