
Course Description

This course is geared towards artists, designers, illustrators, and animators who wish to sharpen or refresh their hand drawing skills. Building on students' knowledge of basic drawing elements, such as line, shape, value, and composition, this course expands the student's observational and technical skills to create accurate drawings of architecture, nature, and the human form. Please note this course includes drawing the human figure from a live nude model.

All Continuing Studies students in classes with a life model must observe the Etiquette Rules for Working with a Life Model.


  • Grasp the expressive potential of line to render two and three-dimensional objects in pictorial space,
  • Observe and render light and shadow and to define form through various shading techniques,
  • Observe and render the human form, including anatomy, figure structure and basic proportions,
  • Understand various drawing processes and their applications by representing a range of subject matter (objects, environments and the human figure) using observation, interpretation and inventive processes,
  • Comprehend formal elements and compositional concerns basic to drawing by employing formal issues of line, shape, value, texture and space.


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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