
Course Description

Work by Shelley Adler

This course explores the many aspects of building a collection of contemporary art, including where to find and purchase it, how to make informed choices, and an understanding of its place within the broad spectrum of the art that is being produced today. The course will begin with an overview of contemporary art to establish a general understanding of key artists, terminology, and trends. Through lectures, discussions, and field trips, students should gain an in-depth understanding of contemporary art in a local context and the ability to navigate the art world with more confidence. Possible class visits may include art fairs, auction houses, commercial galleries, and artist studios.


  • Ability to navigate the contemporary art world and art market in a local context,
  • Develop confidence in one’s own aesthetic judgement,
  • Ability to find contemporary art and resources for keeping current.

Student, Kiersten Artemenko shares her experience taking the Collecting Contemporary Art course.


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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