Student Profile: Christopher Reyes (2/4)

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Why did you decide to pursue Continuing Studies at OCAD U in general, and the Graphic Design and Visual Communication Skills Certificate in particular?

Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, during the era of MSN, AOL Messenger, ICQ, AsianAvenue, Friendster, and Downelink (for all my fellow LGBTQIA+2 folks), I found opportunities to customize these platforms. Some sites allowed users to override the host script, enabling even greater customization of homepages. As a teenager, I would spend hours geeking over placement, typography, and color palette while searching for HTML or JavaScript "hacks" that would allow another layer of customization, making my profile site stand out and visually represent my personality. I would experiment with HTML and JavaScript to position elements on my page, almost like arranging a phone's faceplate, with limitless possibilities for creativity.

© Christopher Reyes, courtesy of the artist

My introduction to the world of graphic design began with Corel Paint Shop Pro because we already had it. I started using Photoshop at a more intermediate level while studying interior design. Creating project boards, rendering 3D images, and laying out isometric plans were all forms of graphic design that fascinated me. This interest continued when Hudson's Bay recruited me for the role of National Home Stylist, marking the beginning of a remarkable 12-year journey. I was tasked with updating and recreating HBC’s corporate library of visual merchandising and styling directives for nationwide communication and setting the styling standards for home departments. Adobe Photoshop became my indispensable tool for national merchandising directives and visual concept proposals to directors, VPs, and SVPs.

I chose OCAD’s Graphic Design and Visual Communications Continuing Studies program appealed to me for several reasons:

The flexible course structure fit seamlessly with my lifestyle, allowing me to pace my learning depending on the bandwidth of my life at a specific time. OCAD gave ample time to complete all necessary courses before applying for your final deadline to apply for your certification.

The course descriptions resonated with me, as they aligned with my professional background and aspirations. The certificate would solidify my self-taught skills and on-the-job training while pushing me to elevate my expertise. The practical nature of the courses and the inclusion of "Visual Communication" in the certificate title was crucial as I progressed into a senior director role.

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