CSAM-N102 - Stop Motion Puppet Making Studio
Course Description
Image by Julianna Cox
This studio course focuses on the fundamental techniques used for creating stop motion puppets. Students should learn about armatures, tie downs, fabrication materials, and costume making. This course will also touch upon the history of stop motion animation and techniques with accompanying lectures, video screenings, and discussions. The 3D model project should provide students with the methods to pursue their goals in this art form and demonstrate their skills in puppet fabrication.
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will have:
- Hands-on implementation of the process of designing a character
- Understanding of a wide range of fabrication materials
- Gain perspective through observing the process of fabrication other students implement
- The ability to fabricate a full stop-motion puppet- armature, foam body, hands, feet with tie-downs and animate-able head, hair and clothing
- A basic understanding of the stop-motion animation process
After enrolling in a course, please allow up to 5 hours for your student data to migrate to Canvas.
Please note that courses may fill up early or be cancelled due to low enrollment. Students are encouraged to register early, at least ten (10) days prior to the start date of the course.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Animation Skills Certificate : Elective Courses
- Art and Design Studio Skills Certificate : Qualifying Courses
- Photography and Video Skills Certificate : Qualifying Courses